History of Ceramics
Our products date back with history. As ceramics were once made by hand, we have chosen to continue the tradition on some of our products. That is why we still offer hand made ceramic tiles for clients interested in hand made products. Using natural products makes ceramic tiles even more desired.
Why we offer ceramic tiles?

Water resistant
Ceramic on itself has a protective layer which make is infiltrated by water or other liquids. This kind of material is also very durable to moisture environments or weather conditions. This is why many of our clients Florida located clients have chosen this product for their home. You can use ceramic tiles in your bedroom, living room, and also places exposed to water and heat such as kitchen and bathroom, without any inconvenience.

Strong and resistant
Ceramic floors resist in time. Said in more simple terms, because of its composition ceramics is very strong to break, however even if it happens during time you can easily replace it. Also ceramics offers different designs that are still fashionable 20 years later.

Easy to clean
None of us would want a floor which makes cleaning a challenge. No matter if you spit liquid, dirt or any other product on the floor it will be easy to remove with just one clean. In a short time, your floor with be crystal clear!

Not allergic
Since ceramic tiles have a hard surface, it keeps away dirt, dust, animal hair and even pollens. It fits perfectly for those having allergic problems, houses with pets and families with young babies!
Porcelain has been used centuries ago for roof covering, however nowadays thanks to a better technology, ceramic is used in floors, wall cladding, fireplaces etc. The word ceramic comes from ancient Greece, which means burn. During the early centuries tiles were placed under the sun to get dry, but latter and technology changed, they were placed in a hot oven in order to be ready for use. After they were used from the Roman empire in bathrooms or dining rooms, while nowadays, porcelain tiles are present all over the world, in private or public buildings.
Porcelain tiles are resistant to different liquids, no matter the color. Porcelain has the lowest carbon footprint. Our tiles are scratch resistant, slip resistant and fire resistant.
No matter the years passing, your floor with still look fresh like the first day Our porcelain tiles fit any home or environment. No matter the foot traffic during the years porcelain tiles handle nearly everything which makes it the most trusted and durable floor to shrinking or expansion. Since the clay it is made of, porcelain is harder than granite.
VOC Free
Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, disperse from natural materials at room temperature. Some of the VOCs are as dangerous, as they can can build up in an individual’s body causing long-term side effects. Porcelain absorbers water well, which eliminates the possibility of mold and mildew to grow in sub flooring. For people who suffer from different allergies, porcelain is the best option that gives you s health safety.